12 ultimate hacks to earn money using plr

12 Ultimate Ways To Make Money Using PLR

12 Ultimate Ways To Make Money Using PLR

Are you searching for ways to make money online? Then you should read this 12 Ultimate ways to Make money online using PLR.

What is PLR? PLR is a Private Label Rights ebook, software, articles, graphics and more. You can make use of these PLR to make money.

All these PLR are available for free and also for premium cost in many websites. There are many types of rights given to each documents.

Some of them are MRR, PR, RR and more. Now lets see what are the things you can do with these PLR books. You can edit and resell it but others cannot resell it.

12 Ways to Make Money Using PLR


1. Resell it as PLR Mega Pack

You can edit the PLR books and then resell it on ebay or any other digital assets market to make money.

At the same time, you can resell it as individual book or as a Mega pack of particular niche. This will help you to make money using PLR.

2. Give PLR as Bonuses

While you are promoting affiliate products, you can give PLR as a bonuses. This will add more credit to your name.

In addition to this, it will create an urge to buy the affiliate products for more free bonuses.

3.Create a Membership Site to make money using PLR

You can create a PLR membership site. This in turn helps you to make money using PLR.

Some of the websites like Unstoppable PLR, PLR mines and more are giving PLR for Members.

4. Give PLR as UPSELL

When a person is purchasing your product or course, you can offer PLR as an Upsell and sell it at low price. This will help you to make money using PLR.

5. Build an email list

Create a landing page using Convertkit and upload the PLR. Share the landing page in social media like Facebook, twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr.

You may think, how building an email list help you to make money? After collecting their emails, start sending emails with affiliate links.

6. Start a Youtube Channel

First step is to find the niche in the PLR and start a youtube channel. Using the PLR as a script, you can create a faceless youtube channel.

Make use of invdieo, lumen5 to create videos for your channel. After getting more views, you can add affiliate links and earn money using PLR.

7. Repurpose the PLR as a Blog Post

You can create a Blog post using PLR also. This will not only give you traffic, content and also help you to build an audience.

At the end of the post, make sure to add affiliate links and lead magnet to capture leads.

8. Create a Course and make money using PLR

This is an amazing idea to make money using PLR. How? For example: You can choose niche as email marketing.

Then create videos using PLR regarding Email Marketing. Join as Convertkit affiliate or Getresponse affiliate.

Give them a detailed demo of how to use these email marketing tools. Finally, give them a free trial using your affiliate link.

This will help you to make more money from Course, PLR, Affiliate Link.

9. Send PLR to Email Subscribers

Rather than building social Media followers, building email list is more important. Why?

After waking up in the morning, routines of all people is to check their email inbox. So email plays a crucial role in this.

How to send email using PLR? Create a 7 day or 7 week email course. In 7 week email course, you can send emails daily or 3 times a week.

Split the topics in the PLR book into parts and send the content to your Email subscribers. This will create  a personal feeling between you and your audience.

After building rapport between your audience, slowly add your affiliate links to your email template.

10. Use PLR as your WEBINAR content

Create a webinar using PLR. How? Webinar can be a live or prerecorded one. So create a webinar regarding How to get traffic on Pinterest?

In this webinar, add the content of PLR, Promote your Course regarding PLR. Also you can promote an affiliate product regarding the content.

This will help you to make money using PLR.

11. Retitle and Rebrand to make it as unique to sell in your PLR store

There are many things you can do to rebrand a PLR. How? First step is to create a store.

Then you can offer the following things along with the PLR book to make it as unique. You can offer:

  • Ebook
  • Cheatsheet
  • Checklist
  • Mindmap
  • MP3 – audio version
  • Salespage
  • Lead Magnet Optin Page
  • Graphics
  • PLR Articles
  • Promo Email Swipes
  • Social Media Visual Packs

This will take some amount of time, but it is worth it of you time. You can also add some bonuses with this pack.

This will make your PLR more unique to buy.

12. Translate Into Other language and sell on Amazon

This is another option to make money using PLR. You can make use of Google Translator to create a PLR version in some other languages like French, German to make money.

You can sell this on any platforms like amazon, ebay and flipkart to make more money using PLR.

These are the 12 ways to make money using PLR. Some of the other ways to make money using PLR are helps to find a Micro niche.

At the same time, you can sell this PLR as Fiverr gig to make money. Convert into mp3 form and sell on any platform.

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