5 easy steps to add categories and tags in wordpress (1)

5 Easy Steps To Add Categories and Tags In WordPress

5 Easy Steps to Add Categories and Tags in WordPress

Are you searching for how to add categories and tags in WordPress? Then check out this 5 Easy steps to add categories and tags in WordPress.

In this article, you will learn more about categories and tags in detailed manner. 

What is Category?

Categories are the type of post you are writing. For example: In Food niche, you are writing recipe in sweets. Then that post recipe fall under Sweet category.

Important point is that each and every category has its own page. So when you are clicking on the category, it will show the list of post written by the author in that category.

What is tags?

Tags are nothing but the related keywords used in the article. For example: if you are writing recipe on French Fries, then tags may contain French fries, potato, potato fries, etc.

Same thing here are tags also. Each tag has its own page. So when you are clicking on the tag in the post, it will open up a page showing a list of post in that tag.

Now lets see how to add categories and tags in WordPress. There are 2 ways to add categories and tags in WordPress.

Let us see each method one by one on How to add categories and tags in WordPress

5 Steps On How to add categories and tags in WordPress

For adding categories in WordPress follow these steps:

  1. Go to the dashboard.
  2. On the left navigation menu, click on Post and it will open sub-menu.
  3. Then select Categories and open it in a new tab
  4. Now add your category name, slug name, parent category and description.
  5. Then click on add new category button.

Definition of each terms:

  • In category name: type the name of the category. ex: Lunch, Affiliate Marketing tips
  • In Slug: add the same name as category but all in small letters. ex: lunch, affiliate marketing tips
  • In Parent category: select the category if you want to add it as parent category. ex: if you are adding paneer sweets as category, then you should add sweets as a parent category.
  • In description: add the sentence regarding that category or you can leave it as a blank space.

For adding tags in WordPress follow these steps:

  • Go to the dashboard.
  • On the left navigation menu, click on Post and it will open sub-menu.
  • Then select tags and open it in a new tab
  • Now add your tag name, slug name,  and description.
  • Then click on add new tag button.

Another way to add categories and tags in WordPress

  • Go to dashboard and select post and then click on add new post.
  • Now in the right sidebar,it will show the categories and tags sections.
  • There select the category, if it is already added. Else, you can click on add new category and add your category name and press enter.
  • This will help you to add category to your list.
  • Also, under the tags box, add the tags and press enter to create a new tags. If the tag is already created, it will show in the autosuggestion.

How to add categories and tags in WordPress Video

How to edit categories and tags in WordPress

For that go to categories and tags section.

  • Then hover over the category or tag you want to edit.
  • Now it will show, edit, quick edit, delete and view options.
  • Click on the edit link to edit your category or tag.
  • If you want to delete, just click on the delete link to delete it.
  • If you want to view the category or tag, just click on the view link. It will show you the list of post present in that category or tag.